Saturday, August 31, 2013

Apparently it's Football Time... Everywhere!

Every social media source of mine is fullll of nothing but college football talk. 

Do you think more women have become interested, bordering on obsessed, with football in the last few years?!?! I do'

ESPN's College Game Day was on most of the morning. It's been a crazy week, without much family time, so we threw rules to the wind and did a lot of this:
Snuggling on the couch with books, coloring, food and drinks, and silly games of Ellie's making. 

Pretty much a perfect Saturday morning in my book.

It's a new era in Knoxville, Tn as we have yet another new football coach. Anticipation has been particularly high heading into this season.

In all honesty, I could not really care less. While I can enjoy some good athletic competition, I will never understand people who allow the outcome of a game to affect their mood for more then 5-10 minutes. Unless, they are the actual coaches or athletes.

I didn't even dress either Ellie or I in orange today. My maternity wardrobe is orange-less, as is Ellie's wardrobe for the first time ever.

But we are watching the game with Jared's parents on pay per view. 

Well, I am not really sure you can say Ellie and I are watching the game...

Ellie and I in another room watching an episode of Doc Mcstuffins on the iPad.

People started eating while watching the game, and since she is incapable of being left out of any venture involving food, we moved her chair into the living room. Unfortunately, she couldn't decide between watching ball-ball or Doc, so this happened:

Parenting fail? Possibly. But it is allowing the family to all be peacefully in the same room and enjoy it.

Even though I don't really care about the outcome of games, I am glad UT is spanking Austin Peay... Knoxville (and my husband) will be in a good mood for at least another week .

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